Options ======= Methods for interacting with the options gametab. ---- :: type ERSOptionsTab ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enumerator type for each of the options gametab tabs. ---- Options.GetSliderLevel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSOptions.GetSliderLevel(SliderBounds: TBox; SliderColor: Integer): Integer; Gives you the level of the passed in **SliderBounds** which can be obtained with **Options.GetBrightnessSliderBounds()** or **Options.GetZoomSliderBounds()**. Example:: WriteLn Options.GetSliderLevel(Options.GetZoomSliderBounds(), 2106152); //2106152 is the color of the zoom slider. ---- Options.GetZoomLevel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSOptions.GetZoomLevel(): Integer; Wrapper function to get the zoom level. Uses **Options.GetSliderLevel()** internally. Example:: WriteLn Options.GetZoomLevel(); ---- Options.SetZoomLevel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSOptions.SetZoomLevel(Level: Integer): Boolean; This method attempts to set our zoom at whatever **Level** is specified. **Level** should be between 0 and 100. Example:: WriteLn Options.SetZoomLevel(50); ---- Options.GetBrightnessLevel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSOptions.GetBrightnessLevel(): Integer; Wrapper function to get the brightness level. Uses **Options.GetSliderLevel()** internally. Example:: WriteLn Options.GetBrightnessLevel(); ---- Options.SetMaxBrightness ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSOptions.SetMaxBrightness(): Boolean; This method attempts to set our brightness at max. Example:: WriteLn Options.SetMaxBrightness(); ---- Options.IsHouseOptionsOpen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSOptions.IsHouseOptionsOpen(): Boolean; Checks wether the house options are open or not. Example:: WriteLn Options.IsHouseOptionsOpen(); ---- Options.OpenHouseOptions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSOptions.OpenHouseOptions(): Boolean; Attempts to open the house options. ---- Options.CloseHouseOptions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSOptions.CloseHouseOptions(): Boolean; Attempts to close the house options if they are open. ---- Options.GetCurrentTab ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSOptions.GetCurrentTab(): ERSOptionsTab; Returns the current active tab within the options gametab. Example:: WriteLn Options.GetCurrentTab(); ---- Options.OpenTab ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSOptions.OpenTab(Tab: ERSOptionsTab): Boolean; Attempts to open the options **Tab** specified. Example:: WriteLn Options.OpenTab(ERSOptionsTab.DISPLAY); ---- TRSGameTabs.GetCurrentTab ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSGameTabs.GetCurrentTab(): ERSGameTab; override; Override teo return ERSGameTab.Options if house options are open.