Magic ===== Methods to interact with the magic tab. ---- Magic.GetSpellBook ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSMagic.GetSpellBook: ERSSpellBook; Returns the current spell book. Example:: WriteLn Magic.GetSpellBook; ---- Magic.IsSpellBook ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSMagic.IsSpellBook(SpellBook: ERSSpellBook): Boolean; Returns true if we are using the specified spell book. Example:: WriteLn Magic.IsSpellBook(ERSSpellBook.LUNAR); ---- Magic.GetSpellBoxes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSMagic.GetSpellBoxes(out Spellbook: ERSSpellBook): TBoxArray; Internal function to get the bounds of the spells of the current spell book. ---- Magic.GetSpellBox ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSMagic.GetSpellBox(Spell: ERSSpell; out Box: TBox): Boolean; Internal function to get the specified spell bounds. ---- Magic.MouseSpell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSMagic.MouseSpell(Spell: ERSSpell; Button: Int32 = MOUSE_MOVE): Boolean; Used to interact with the specified spell. Example:: Magic.MouseSpell(ERSSpell.HIGH_LEVEL_ALCHEMY, MOUSE_LEFT); ---- Magic.CanActivate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSMagic.CanActivate(Spell: ERSSpell): Boolean; Returns true if we can activate the spell (we have runes, level and the spell unlocked). Example:: Magic.CanActivate(ERSSpell.HIGH_LEVEL_ALCHEMY); ---- Magic.IsSpellSelected ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSMagic.IsSpellSelected(Spell: ERSSpell): Boolean; Returns true if the specified spell is currently active (with white outline). Example:: Magic.IsSpellSelected(ERSSpell.ICE_BARRAGE); ---- Magic.GetSelectedSpell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSMagic.GetSelectedSpell: ERSSpell; Returns the currently selected spell. Example:: WriteLn Magic.GetSelectedSpell; ---- Magic.CastSpell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSMagic.CastSpell(Spell: ERSSpell): Boolean; Attempts to cast the specified spell. Example:: Magic.CastSpell(ERSSpell.LOW_LEVEL_ALCHEMY); ---- :: var Magic ~~~~~~~~~~ Global Magic variable.