Combat ====== Methods to interact with the combat tab. ---- Combat.GetCombatStyle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSCombat.GetCombatStyle: String; Get the current attack style. Example:: WriteLn('The current combat style is: ', Combat.GetCombatStyle); ---- Combat.SetCombatStyle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSCombat.SetCombatStyle(Style: String): Boolean; Set the attack style to the **Style** specified. Example:: Combat.SetCombatStyle(COMBAT_STYLE_SLASH); ---- Combat.GetAutoRetaliate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSCombat.GetAutoRetaliate: Boolean; Get the current state of auto retaliate. Example:: WriteLn Combat.GetAutoRetaliate; ---- Combat.SetAutoRetaliate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSCombat.SetAutoRetaliate(Value: Boolean): Boolean; Set the state of auto retaliate on or off. Example:: Combat.SetAutoRetaliate(True); ---- Combat.GetWeapon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSCombat.GetWeapon: String; Get the name of the current worn weapon. Example:: WriteLn('The current weapon is: ', Combat.GetWeapon); ---- Combat.GetCombatLevel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSCombat.GetCombatLevel: Int32; Get the current combat level. Example:: WriteLn('Current combat level is: ', Combat.GetCombatLevel); ---- :: var Combat ~~~~~~~~~~ Global Combat variable. ---- Minimap ======= Methods to handle the minimap special attack orb. ---- Minimap.GetSpecLevel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: procedure TRSMinimap.GetSpecLevel: Int32; **Minimap.GetSpecLevel** is used to retrieve the special attack level from the minimap orb. Example:: Writeln Minimap.GetSpecLevel; ---- Minimap.IsSpecEnabled ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSMinimap.IsSpecEnabled; **Minimap.IsSpecEnabled** returns true if the special attack is enabled. Example:: Writeln Minimap.IsSpecEnabled; ---- Minimap.IsSpecWeapon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSMinimap.IsSpecWeapon; **Minimap.IsSpecWeapon** returns true if the current weapon has a special attack. Returns false if the special attack level is at 0 or if the weapon doesn't have a special attack. Example:: Writeln Minimap.IsSpecWeapon; ---- Minimap.EnableSpec ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSMinimap.EnableSpec(MinSpec: Int32): Boolean; **Minimap.EnableSpec** attempts to enable the special attack if we have at leas **MinSpec** special attack level. Example:: Minimap.EnableSpec(25); ---- Minimap.DisableSpec ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSMinimap.DisableSpec; **Minimap.DisableSpec** attempts to disable the special attack. Example:: Minimap.DisableSpec;