Color ====== Color finding related methods ---- CTS0, CTS1, CTS2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function CTS0(Color, Tolerance: Int32): TCTSColor; function CTS1(Color, Tolerance: Int32): TCTS1Color; function CTS2(Color, Tolerance: Int32; HueMod:Extended=0.2; SatMod:Extended=0.2): TCTS2Color; Used for declaring colors using the different CTS settings. ---- srl.FindColors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function SRL.FindColors(out TPA: TPointArray; Color: TCTSColor; Area: TBox): UInt32; function SRL.FindColors(out TPA: TPointArray; Color: TCTS1Color; Area: TBox): UInt32; function SRL.FindColors(out TPA: TPointArray; Color: TCTS2Color; Area: TBox): UInt32; Searches for the given Color, returns the resulting points in the TPA.