Anvil ===== Anvil interface methods used for smithing items. ---- TRSAnvil.FindItem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSAnvil.FindItem(Item: String; out B: TBox): Boolean; Finds an item on the anvil interface. Example:: var B: TBox; begin if Anvil.FindItem('Mithril axe', B) then WriteLn('Mithril axe box: ', B); end; ---- TRSAnvil.CanSmith ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSAnvil.CanSmith(ItemBox: TBox): Boolean; Returns true if the item in the box `ItemBox` can be made. Looks for the green ` bars` text. ---- TRSAnvil.GetQuantity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSAnvil.GetQuantity: Integer; Returns the current selected quantity. Example:: if Anvil.GetQuantity() = 5 then WriteLn('Anvil quantity is 5!') ---- TRSAnvil.SetQuantity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSAnvil.SetQuantity(Amount: Integer): Boolean; Sets the quantity to `Amount`. Use `Anvil.QUANTITY_ALL` to select the `All` button. Example:: Anvil.SetQuantity(5); ---- TRSAnvil.Smith ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSAnvil.Smith(Item: String; Quantity: Integer): Boolean; Sets the selected quantity to `Quantity` and clicks the item name `Item`. Example:: if Anvil.Smith('mithril axe', Anvil.QUANTITY_ALL) then WriteLn('Started smithing mithril axes!'); ---- Anvil.IsOpen ~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function TRSAnvil.IsOpen: Boolean; Returns true if the Anvil screen is open.