function TRSWalker.GetMyPos: TPoint;
Returns the players current position on the loaded map.
// Check to see the match percentage if needed
function TRSWalker.WalkPath(Path: TPointArray; WaitUntilDistance: Int32 = 0): Boolean;
Walks a path of points taken from the loaded map. We advice that WaitUntilDistance is not 0.
- Path
Array of points taken from the loaded map to walk. Must be ordered from start to finish.
- WaitUntilDistance
Determines when the method returns once the final point has been clicked. Default value: 0.
WaitUntilDistance=0 waits until the player has reached the final point.WaitUntilDistance=20 waits until the player is within 20 pixels of the final point.
function TRSWalker.WalkBlind(Destination: TPoint; WaitUntilDistance: Int32 = 0): Boolean;
“Blindly” walks to a point taken from the loaded map. A straight line is generated between the player’s position and destination which is then walked.
- Destination
Destination point taken from the loaded map.
- WaitUntilDistance
Determines when the method returns once the final point has been clicked. Default value: 0.
WaitUntilDistance=0 waits until the player has reached the final point.WaitUntilDistance=20 waits until the player is within 20 pixels of the final point.
Walker.WalkBlind([300, 300]);
function TRSWalker.WebWalk(Destination: TPoint; WaitUntilDistance: Int32 = 0; PathRandomness: Extended = 0): Boolean;
Web walks to the destination point on the loaded map. Does not handle any obstacles.
Please run webber.simba
to see how webgraphs are built.
Pre built webgraphs are available for “World” and “Zeah” when used.
- Destination
Destination point taken from the loaded map.
- WaitUntilDistance
Determines when the method returns once the final point has been clicked. Default value: 0.
WaitUntilDistance=0 waits until the player has reached the final point.WaitUntilDistance=20 waits until the player is within 20 pixels of the final point.- PathRandomness
Randomness to add to the path so the absoulte shortest path isn’t always taken. Must be between 0..1
var Walker: TRSWalker;
Walker.WebWalk([4595, 3575]); // Lumbridge
// Or use a location from the webgraph
procedure TRSWalker.DebugPosition(EnsureVisible: Boolean = True);
function TRSWalker.GetTileMSEx(Me, Loc: TPoint; TileVector: Vector3 = [1, 1, 0]; Offset: Vector2 = [0, 0]): TQuad;
Used to convert a coordinate in our map to a tile on the mainscreen relative to the position passed in to Me. This can be used to predict location of things before hand by passing in our future position or the current location by passing in TRSWalker.GetMyPos().
To achieve this it calls Minimap.GetTileMS() internally.
TileVector is used to specify the size and height of the tile: TileVector.X is the size of the rectangle from west to east in game. TileVector.Y is the size of the rectangle from north to south in game. TileVector.Z is the height of the rectangle in game. There’s no way to accurately measure it but for a rough idea, a player’s height is about 6 or 7. To accurately guessing the height you need you should use Debug() like the example below.
MyTile := [100, 100];
Debug(Walker.GetTileMSEx(Walker.GetMyPos(), MyTile));
function TRSWalker.GetTileMSEx(Me, Loc: TPoint; WESize, NESize: Double = 1; Height:Double=0; Offx,Offy:Double=0): TQuad;
Method to convert a coordinate in our map to a tile on the mainscreen without the need to pass in our position. This calls TRSWalker.GetTileMSEx internally with TRSWalker.GetMyPos() passed in.
TileVector is used to specify the size and height of the tile: TileVector.X is the size of the rectangle from west to east in game. TileVector.Y is the size of the rectangle from north to south in game. TileVector.Z is the height of the rectangle in game. There’s no way to accurately measure it but for a rough idea, a player’s height is about 6 or 7. To accurately guessing the height you need you should use Debug() like the example below.
MyTile := [100, 100];